Student Life
Every aspect of student life is designed to connect you with the community and grow your sense of self.
Whether you board at Dublin School or commute to campus, you will shape and be shaped by the programs, spaces and people here.
By the end of your first week of school, you will have connected with many different micro-communities; your advisory, grade-level, dormitory (or day student group), your afternoon activity group, each of your classes and your camping trip group. We believe in mixing it up, having fun, and expanding your comfort zone with the support and encouragement of your community.
Balance always requires effort and focus.
There are so many aspects of the Dublin School community that speak to the balance that our students strike at Dublin School. Our students are no one thing; you can be an incredible athlete or artist or scientist, and you will be so much more at Dublin! Our students balance their passions with new experiences and topics. Being in the middle may sound like a bad thing, but it’s in the in between that discoveries are made.
Everyone is just so close. That is one of my favorite parts about Dublin is that there are not a lot of barriers - we have formed really strong connections.
Cliff O'Rourke '22