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Make a Gift

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

How to Give

Make an  Online Donation

Make a gift of securities or wire transfer

Mail a check payable to Dublin School and mail to: Dublin School, Advancement Office, 18 Lehmann Way Dublin, NH, 03444

Dublin School is a fully registered 501(c) 3, and pursuant to US Federal Law, donations are tax-deductible. Non-profit Tax ID number is #02-0229869

Questions? Please contact Erika Rogers at 603-563-1230.

 Dublin School Gift Policy

Dublin’s generous Annual Fund supports everything that lies Within the educational experiences we provide to our students and faculty and the financial resources to help us reach Beyond what we thought was possible in a school year.

2023 Annual Report of Giving

First page of the PDF file: DUB_AR23_10_02_23-FINALFORWEB

Include Dublin School in your Estate Plan

Including Dublin School in your larger estate plans is often the best way to make your largest, most meaningful gift to the School. It can also have tax advantages to you and your family, and provides opportunities to give in ways not possible during your lifetime. A planned gift can be as simple as adding a specific gift amount to Dublin School in your will, adding the School as a beneficiary of your life insurance or retirement plan, or making gifts using your 401k retirement funds. Once you have included Dublin School in your estate plans, please let us know and you will immediately become a member of the Lehmann Legacy Circle. For more information contact Erika Rogers. 

If a ripple effect is a continuous and enduring series of results stemming from a single action, then the stories in this magazine speak to the opportunities that the Lehmann's envisioned when combining the location of the school with the people and programs that they would offer to young people from around the world.  


Meet the Advancement Team

Erika Rogers

Associate Head of School for Advancement

Hunter Bachman


Aimee Lord

Advancement Associate

Meg Richards