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Head of School's Blog

Occasional musings from Head of School Brad Bates

Pre-Winterfest Processing

Orange Team! I just found out I am on the Orange Team for Winterfest. So many emotions.

I have participated in many serious competitions at the national and international level in my lifetime, so it is with some trepidation that I admit that there is nothing quite like winning the annual Dublin School Winterfest competition. First of all, I rarely win. But when I do, I experience an awkward level of elation for an often silly and small-stakes competition. There is just something about being on a team with our Dublin students and teachers, showing our vulnerability during a lipsync contest, and then trying to avoid significant surgery after participating in events like the human sled dog race that brings out the fun, competitive side of me!

I just learned I am on the Orange Team. Sadly, I also learned this was my first year not drafted by the proctors who chose the teams. Am I too old? Am I losing my edge? Was it the 2014 lipsync contest debacle coming back to haunt me (I could actually say this about every lipsync contest…)? I guess I will just have to dig through my orange Moxie clothing collection, practice my lipsyncing in the mirror, and start taking Epsom salt baths to prepare. I am predicting big things this year. Go Orange Team!!!